Sencha Whispers

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sencha futsumushi from Niyodogawa, Yabukita cultivar.

This tea was hard to find. Unfortunately, the tea industry on Shikoku Island is not thriving. In fact, it's disappearing. But there are still pockets of motivated farmers fighting tooth and nails to keep their craft alive. You can follow this adventure on my YouTube channel.

Very pleasant sencha from a small cooperative of farmers (8 families) in Ikegawa on Shikoku island. This is the type of project I'd support any day all day.

Easy to drink, bright color with matching notes of fresh greens.

Better description coming soon...


The Geek Stuff

cultivar: Yabukita
origin: Ikegawa, Niyodogawa, Kōchi prefecture, Shikoku island
steaming: 45 sec - futsumushi
hiire: light
shading: none
picking: mechanical
harvest: 20 April