Sencha (4) 2024

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Four shincha (new teas) from different areas in Japan. As fresh as it gets. Classic and not-so-classic picks. This gives you a great overview of what I found this year.



sencha futsumushi from Niyodogawa, Yabukita cultivar.

Very pleasant sencha from a small cooperative of farmers (8 families) in Ikegawa on Shikoku island. This is the type of project I'd support any day all day.



sencha futsumushi from Sakawa, Sōfū cultivar.

Unshaded sencha made from the sōfū cultivar, an "inzatsu" type cultivar. Strong floral aromatics linger in the mouth with notes of jasmine, wildflowers, and white grapes. 



sencha futsumushi from Kawane, Zairai variety.

Densely aromatic and complex, this sencha is made in the old style by the expert hand of Tsuchiya-san. The term zairai (在来, meaning native) is used to identify tea trees grown from seeds rather than cuttings of other trees.



Hand-picked sencha futsumushi from Kawane, Yabukita cultivar.

Light, fresh and perfectly balanced, this tea was harvest by hand from an unpruned tea garden (shizen-shitate) at 600m in altitude. In my mind, this should be the staple both in terms of culture and taste for Shizuoka teas.